Fishy [ yufei wang's art space. ] Space
(Hay)Fever Dream
Spring Supernova, 2023
watercolor on paper + digital
Blooming flowers in the spring remind me of supernovas, ephemeral and explosive.
I spotted this Yoshino Cherry at an intersection in Washington, DC, near the end of March. I was in awe of the beauty of this tree in its full bloom. Its form was so dynamic and full of motion despite being a stationary tree,
Quickly following my sense of awe was a sense of loss from realizing this was only a temporary sight, just like the explosion of a star.
watercolor on paper + digital
Golden Nightmare, 2022
Golden Nightmare is a visual narrative offering an alternative interpretation of the word “nightmare", defying the emotional and intangible qualities commonly associated with the word.
This story is based on the sight of my neighbor forcefully plucking dandelions off of his green lawn that was tinted yellow from the overgrowth of dandelions in springtime Toronto. Despite his hard work, the dandelions returned within the frame of two days.
While some might find these golden wildflowers beautiful, the ineradicable and recurring nature of them makes it a nightmare for my neighbor...