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PerceptionsThe Objective & Subjective

How can I see when I can't trust my eyes? 

watercolor, paper collage 
17. How can I see when I can't trust my eyes_.PNG

This piece is a self-portrait exploring my perception of myself. Reflecting on my negative self-talk and observing my appearance, I noticed I can never see myself clearly or objectively.


I grew up in a strict household where my parents pointed out my negative traits in a straightforward way. Despite their good intentions, I took their words to heart and used them to label my character. For years, I was my biggest critic, constantly denying my achievements, strengths, and potential. This negative self-talk undermined my confidence and ability to pursue what I truly want: to become an artist who hones her visual language through colors and composition to communicate human experiences.



I used print media (magazines, recipe books, tabloids, newspapers) to capture another origin of negative self-talk. The content on the paper cutouts discusses the mental health crisis among youths across Canada as well as negative phrases that have been taken out of context.

This is a series of observational studies of myself in preparation for my final self-portrait: How Can I See When I Can’t Trust My Eyes?


In these sketches, I noticed that I tend to fixate on and enhance features I feel unconfident about. 


My mood, the mirrors I looked through, and my photographs all showed a different version of me. My self-esteem and perception fluctuate based on my emotions, which also affect how I perceive myself. This prompted the questions


What do I actually look like?

Can I trust my eyes to perceive objectively




I experimented with a combination of mediums:

watercolor + pastel (first row), watercolor markers + pastel + colored pencils + colored paper (second row), watercolor on watercolor paper + charcoal on rice paper (third row).

18. How can I see what I can't trust my eyes_ (sketches).png
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